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Privacy Policy

Personal data protection policy

Identity of the data controller


The notaries at ACTALYS Notaires Associés srl are responsible for processing your personal data within their firm.

ECB number: 0831.909.513

Address: Boulevard de Waterloo 16, 1000 Brussels


Identity of the Data Protection Officer ("DPO")


The "Notarial profession shared DPO department" at Privanot asbl has been appointed by the data controller as data protection officer.

ECB number: BE0749.562.550

Address: rue de la Montagne 30, 1000 Brussels



Collection and use of personal data


Processing - As a public official, the Notary is required to collect and use personal data about you in order to carry out his activities.

Your personal data is either collected directly from you or taken from official databases. Because they exercise a parcel of public authority, notaries have access to various sources of authentic data that are strictly governed by specific legislation. 

Data - By "personal data" we mean "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data or an online identifier". This includes identification data (surname, forename, marital status, national registration number, date and place of birth, etc.), contact data (address, telephone number, etc.), economic and financial information (bank details, etc.), data relating to deeds executed in the notary's office and data relating to family, social, tax and other circumstances that the notary is required to collect about you from official sources and government departments.   

Purposes - The Notary collects and processes personal data in order to guarantee the legal security of transactions whose authenticity he ensures, and to manage the files entrusted to him.


Communication of personal data

Your personal data processed by the Notary may be communicated to other persons ("recipients") and, in particular :

  • legally authorised partners such as public services and notarial institutions for storing copies of documents and their metadata as part of electronic registration and for entering your data in the central registers of notaries (e.g. register of marriage contracts, register of wills, register of power of attorney contracts, register of declarations relating to the appointment of a trustee or a person of trust);

  • to the Fédération Royale du Notariat belge asbl (Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries) in respect of data relating to immovable property for recording in a notarial database intended to produce statistics and to enable notaries to assess the value of immovable property in the course of their activities; 

  • in general, to the Fédération Royale du Notariat belge asbl for statistical and scientific research purposes;

  • the other notaries involved in your case;

  • to the banks involved in your application;

  • to other recipients, for the management and continuity of files, such as suppliers of file management software and suppliers of business intelligence software, with a view to improving the services provided to customers.

This data must be communicated to these various recipients to enable the Notary to comply with the legal obligations to which he is subject and to manage your file correctly.




Protection of personal data

Scope - The processing of personal data carried out by the Notary is subject to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 entitled "General Data Protection Regulation".

These regulations apply both to data processed electronically and to data contained in paper files and documents in the notary's office, provided that these files or documents are "structured according to specific criteria”. Personal data contained in electronic and paper files, in wills and in authentic instruments is therefore protected by the said Regulation.

Lawfulness - The processing of personal data carried out by the notary is considered to be lawful where it is, in most cases, necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the notary is subject (such as those arising, for example, from legislation relating to the prevention of money laundering) or necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest with which the notary is entrusted. 

In other cases, it is the necessary nature of the processing in the context of the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures to which you are a party, or the Notary's legitimate interest in improving the services rendered in the case of the use of business intelligence software, which constitute the basis for lawfulness. 

Retention period - By virtue of the principle of limiting the retention of personal data, such data may only be retained for as long as is necessary for the fulfilment of the intended purpose, in accordance with the laws applicable to the case in question and the limitation periods for real and personal actions. Files are destroyed after a maximum of 30 years and deeds are sent to the Kingdom's Archives after a maximum of 75 years, with the exception of wills, which may be kept for a longer period.

Security measures - The Notary takes various appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk to your data. In particular, the Notary ensures that access to your data by his employees and any subcontractors he may call upon is secure, that his computer network and servers are protected, and that the maintenance and destruction of your data is supervised, etc.

These measures will be reviewed every three years by the aforementioned DPO, by means of a technical and procedural audit of its study with regard to the principles of the RGPD.


Rights of data subjects - Under these regulations, as a data subject to the processing of personal data by the Notary, you have a right to transparent processing of your data, a right to information and a right of access.

Under certain conditions and in strictly defined cases, you also have the right to rectify and delete data concerning you, as well as the right to object to its use and the right to limit its processing. 

You may exercise your rights directly with the Notary or with the Data Protection Officer appointed by the Notary ("Département DPO mutualisé du Notariat" with Privanot asbl, info@privanot.be). 

Finally, if you consider that your rights have not been respected in accordance with the Regulation, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Belgian Data Protection Authority, rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels) or to take legal action.

* If you have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer appointed by the Notary at the following address: info@privanot.be.



Politique dutilisation des cookies


Un cookie est un petit fichier texte envoyé à votre navigateur et enregistré sur le disque dur de votre terminal (PC, ordinateur portable ou smartphone, …) lorsque vous visitez un site Internet, comme votre choix de langue.

En tant que gestionnaire du site Internet https://www.actalys.be/, l’étude ACTALYS (responsable du traitement) utilise trois types de cookies qui seront détaillés dans un tableau ci-après.


  1.  Cookies techniquement essentiels


Les cookies essentiels sont nécessaires pour vous permettre de naviguer sur le site Internet et pour permettre aux fonctionnalités techniques de base de fonctionner. Ils permettent, par exemple, aux actions exécutées pendant lune de vos visites d’être conservées, et ce, également quand vous naviguez dune page à lautre sur le site Internet. Ces cookies ne peuvent dès lors pas être désactivés.


  1. Cookies fonctionnels


Les cookies fonctionnels permettent au site Internet denregistrer des informations qui ont déjà été fournies et de vous offrir des fonctionnalités améliorées personnalisées. Ils permettent, par exemple, de retenir la langue de votre choix. Ces cookies ne peuvent dès lors pas être désactivés.


  1. Cookies analytiques


Le site Internet utilise « Google Analytics » pour des finalités analytiques. Cet outil d'analyse nous permet de quantifier les visites (le trafic) sur le site Internet afin notamment de savoir combien de fois une page déterminée a été lue. Nous utilisons ces informations uniquement pour améliorer le contenu de notre site Internet et la communication qui lentoure.

Ces cookies ne seront placés sur votre terminal que si vous y avez consenti préalablement.



Liste des cookies


Le site Internet utilise les cookies suivants :


  1. Cookies techniquement essentiels :


Clé des cookies

Type de cookie



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Cookie généré par les applications basées sur le langage PHP. Il s'agit d'un identifiant à usage général utilisé pour gérer les variables de session utilisateur. Il s'agit normalement d'un numéro généré aléatoirement, la façon dont il est utilisé peut être spécifique au site, mais un bon exemple consiste à maintenir un statut de connexion pour un utilisateur entre les pages.


  1. Cookies fonctionnels


Clé des cookies

Type de cookie



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Il existe de nombreux types de cookies associés à ce nom, et un examen plus détaillé de la manière dont il est utilisé sur un site Web particulier est généralement recommandé. Cependant, dans la plupart des cas, il sera probablement utilisé pour stocker des préférences linguistiques, potentiellement pour proposer du contenu dans la langue stockée. La catégorie ICC donnée ici est basée sur cet usage.



  1. Cookies analytiques


Clé des cookies

Type de cookie



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Ce cookie est utilisé par Google Analytics pour conserver l'état de la session.

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Ce nom de cookie est associé à Google Universal Analytics, qui constitue une mise à jour importante du service d'analyse le plus couramment utilisé de Google. Ce cookie est utilisé pour distinguer les utilisateurs uniques en attribuant un numéro généré aléatoirement comme identifiant client. Il est inclus dans chaque demande de page d'un site et utilisé pour calculer les données de visiteurs, de sessions et de campagnes pour les rapports d'analyse des sites.

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Un jour

Ce cookie est défini par Google Analytics. Il stocke et met à jour une valeur unique pour chaque page visitée et est utilisé pour compter et suivre les pages vues.

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Ce cookie fait partie de Google Analytics et est utilisé pour limiter les demandes (taux de demandes de limitation).

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Ce cookie fournit un identifiant utilisateur attribué de manière unique et généré par une machine et collecte des données sur l'activité sur le site Web. Ces données peuvent être envoyées à un tiers pour analyse et reporting.

Cookie Actalys
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Si vous avez la moindre question concernant lutilisation des cookies sur le site Internet, vous pouvez prendre contact avec notre délégué à la protection des données :



  • en adressant un courrier à Privanot asbl, rue de la Montagne, 30, 1000 Bruxelles.

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9am to 12.30am and 1.30pm to 5.30pm. .
The office is closed on Wednesday mornings from 9am to 1.30 pm. The office will not be accessible by telephone at this time. Thank you for your understanding.